Our Greatest Teachers

The other day I was flipping through the channels and came upon the movie To Sir with Love, and ended up curled up on the couch watching this old classic with Sidney Poitier. This film must have been the first in its genre; the classroom with challenging kids transformed by a gifted teacher.

Our greatest teachers are those from whom we learn more than the curriculum. Bill Clinton says that one of the most influential people in his life was the band director, Virgil M. Spurlin at the Hot Springs High School. Apparently their relationship was the inspiration for him to go in to politics. Spurlin made him feel that he could accomplish anything, organize and effect change. For Oprah Winfrey it was her teacher, Mary Duncan who recognized something special in the insecure fourth grade student, and encouraged Oprah to read out loud for the class to gain confidence. Maya Angelou’s neighbour and teacher, Mrs. Flowers, took her to the library and told her to read every book within the small room. Here, she discovered her love of poetry. Mrs. Flowers had her come to her house and read poetry aloud.

I can draw upon pieces of my education from primary school all the way through university and my continuing studies now, and there will be moments, phrases, ideas and lines that resonate, pierce or make everything fall in to place. Who are our greatest teachers? Perhaps it is those who help us find our purpose, from which we learn the lessons of forgiveness, or discover the parts of ourselves that can soar. It could be an author who connects the dots of understanding, fear or passion. There are those who make us believe. It is the brush stroke of an artist, and how the play of light provokes sadness or love. It is often our children who by their own extraordinary, or commonplace actions make us stand back in amazement, recognition, astonishment or delight.   I think our greatest teachers are those who reach us in a small, intricate way, sometimes serendipitous, and with whom we are able to experience a feeling unlike anything we have before.

Who are your greatest teachers?

One thought on “Our Greatest Teachers

  1. Mrs. Olson – My grade 5 English Teacher – will never forget her. I wrote a poem about the ’71 earthquake in California … still remember every word … wrote it within a few minutes of the quake and didn’t have to labour over it. She submitted it to a newspaper and made a big hoopla in class … and I discovered I liked working with words. I enjoy your sense of whimsy Jacqui.

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