Share a recipe from a kitchen that is tried and true and your story too. A recipe you love and a story about yourself, a friend, mother, sister, grandma, father, husband, anyone in your life. Tell me about the person who gave you the recipe, or an occasion where it was served, a funny, charming or irresistible moment, an anecdote, a detail of life, a memory, or those indispensable words of wisdom that will remain in your heart forever.

The act of eating an apple should be enough to satisfy. A simple yet sustainable way to eat and yet in the apple we see potential for something else, something sweeter, softer, something that will show love and satisfy hunger for more than food. A hunger for creativity, an act of devotion and service. This is certainly the reason why my Buby Minnie’s apple cake was so delicious.
My father had the blessing of being his mother;s birthday present and so on that dreaded, perhaps inevitable birthday in which my grandmother was no longer alive, i stayed up late making my bubies apple cake to share at my father’s birthday party. The Morris & Minnie Birthday milestone was truly a family tradition and it brought my grandmothers children and grandchildren and even great grandchildren together at the end of each summer, a perfect time to celebrate each other.
So, this birthday would by the first for my father without his mother. In the minds of my kids, it was still a party and my kids were on their up to bed, excited at the prospect of spending a whole Sunday with their Papa and his entourage. Hannah had already made a “We love you Papa” birthday cake. As I was encouraging Jacob to go to BED!!, he looked over at me, seeing me in the chaotic excitement of my baking preparations.. and he asked me if he could stay up late with me to help bake this special cake. I looked over at Jacob and a moment of the soul rising up from my heart to my throat came over me. My son understand the significance of this moment and together we shared the experience of keeping love alive. Funny, I just remembered that we made two cakes that night. Bubies’ traditional moist and delicious apple cake (mine has yet to rise as high as Grandma Minnies’) and then a blueberry variation taught to me by my auntie Jaqui.
The apple tree, strongly rooted by the nurturing elements of family,shared history, shared lives, branches strong reaching for the sun while sheltering us from the rain. Sustaining us with food for the body,mind and spirit. Soon, the blessed and beautiful apple blossoms will appear. How fitting that i would now be reminded that we are celebrating Tu’B’Shevat
Buby Minnies apple cake Recipe to follow..