One Day

One day. Twenty-four hours. One thousand, four hundred and forty minutes. Eighty-six thousand, four hundred seconds. A day can be a cliché: Live each day as if it’s your last.

A day can seem endless or slip by in a blink. A great accomplishment, time you wish you could re-claim, and everything in between. One day can change a life.

Is there a moment when we say, yes, this is it; this is what we are supposed to be doing with our lives, that ‘aha’ moment of tiny proportion, and yet all of a sudden it’s as if the kaleidoscope comes in to focus? It seems that over these past few weeks I have been playing with patterns of perspective, passion and possibility through my personal viewfinder, and, much has come in to focus.

My resounding conclusion is to love ‘me’ with a steadfast, unconditional love. If we wait for someone else to tell us that our work is good, that our decisions are correct or our ideas are valid, or if we are dependent on others for our happiness and fulfillment, well, we will likely be waiting a long time. I am guilty of this kind of thinking. I’m making a shift to perusing, creating and grasping the possibilities that are right in front of me now. Living in this precious moment and grabbing on to life, and falling in love with everything in my path.

I’m taking my lessons from the beach and purposefully weaving them in to my city life. I keep a white shell with me to remind me that beauty, and peace and love reside within me, anywhere. Rather than seeing all the obstacles in my path, I am finding the possibilities, and choosing love. One day at a time.


4 thoughts on “One Day

  1. A perfect recipe for life and living. Takes practice, discipline and focus. And when that feeling of loving yourself penetrates it is ecstasy.

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