
I have this thing that I do. Well, let me just add an addendum. When I do this, it is wonderful. It makes a difference in my life. And I am going to re-commit myself to this process and hope that you will join me.

It’s how I start my day when I am at my most productive, creative and focused self. It’s a technique that I call triplets. It is equal time of meditation, stretching and writing.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a minute each or twenty minutes each. What matters is the discipline of the doing of all three components. Daily is best. But, if not daily then designate specific days and stick to it.

Meditation: Easy meditation. Sit cross-legged on the floor or pillow. Or, sit on a chair with both feet on the ground and your legs not crossed. Straight back. Open heart. Hand placed gently on thighs. Eyes are softly open or gently closed. You are not trying to tune out the world; you are practicing tuning in to yourself. All you do is focus on the breath. Notice your inhale and your exhale. That’s it. If a thought trails across your mind, watch it go by and don’t give it attention. Listen to the rhythm of your body in the breath. It’s not big deep cleansing breaths; you haven’t had time to be stressed yet! It’s simply breathing in and breathing out.

Stretching: Create a series of movements that feel good for you. I like to do a few sequences of salutation to the sun. But honestly, it’s the idea of moving your body in ways that give you a sense of release and centering. Stretch your arms above your head, up to your tip toes and take a deep breath, and then release the breath and fold your body reaching your hands to the floor, let your head hang gently and feel the stretch and release along your spine and the backs of your legs. Gently come up one vertebra at a time. Repeat. It’s that simple.

Writing: Take out your journal. Write by hand. No computer. Open to a page. Date it. Write about anything you want. How you felt about your breath. What you are worried about. Good things in your life. Gratitude. Fear. Anxiety. People. A poem. What you see out the window. What you dreamed about last night. What are your dreams? You get the idea. The only rule is that it has to be hand written and it has to be timed. You are not writing a novel. You are just writing for it’s own sake. And whatever comes out is good.

That’s triplets. Practice this. Start with 2 minute of each as soon as you get out of bed. Set the timer on your phone so that you know your beginning and your end of each section. Work up to ten minutes each. Then treat yourself to a lovely glass of water, some tea or a coffee. It is an amazing beginning to your day. Let me know how it’s going.

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